wheel of value is here to show you the "Whole Picture" of what
value is.
value of a "Home Comfort System" is not based upon the equipment
alone. The Trane equipment is an important, correct choice and
statistics show that Trane is the best value. However, solving
comfort and efficiency problems involves much more than "just"
changing out or upgrading equipment. Improving comfort and
efficiency typically includes eradicating "system" problems such
as poor design and/or installation.
The "Wheel of Value" demonstrates in a typical home comfort
system installation or upgrade, the equipment represents only a
small portion of the value. If only the equipment is addressed,
and not the entire system, then the value of the upgrade is
reduced. When the system problems are dealt with during the
equipment upgrade then the value of the upgrade increases. The
"Wheel of Value" shows that 85% of the value of a job is the
contractor you choose.